martes, 3 de septiembre de 2019

Theorical framework:

The evolution of the video game:
At the beginning, the video games were created for only one purpose: entertain people with a new technology never seen before.
The video games were created around of 1950, and the first game was created for the old electronic computers, that were created for a particular purpose, but these games weren't payables. One of the games that much people recognize is the famous game called, pong, that was a game created for Atari, also a game called computer space, and these games were created in 1970. However they need money for play, this type of games were called arcade.
Later, the domestic consoles arrive to the houses. With the same type of game, but here you don't need to pay. And late they become famous in everywhere. The games that were recognized in this decade were: galaxian, asteroids and the famous Pacman.
Lately in 1980, the video games were growing up with a better development, because the company Atari, was helped by Nintendo and Sega, that were the most important games industries in that moment.
In this moments the games industries was famous in a million of houses, becoming it in a essential piece in a house.
The first pocket console was created by Nintendo in 1989, called the game boy, it was very popular in the life of the teenagers and children.
In 1994, Sony launched his first console called Playstation, that was one of the greatest device in all the decade, because from there, another industries try to create console like this, due that these devices have a big impact in the life of all people around the world.
Finally, in 2010, the games had a big change, because they were able to move to other platforms like smartphones, TVs, computers tablets, etc. And in other news, some companies tried to take it further, with the creation of virtual reality, that was a very good idea for the news technologies.
If we speak about all the things related to the video games, we couldn't stop, or I won't end my paragraph. However I want to tell you about the impact of this games I the actual society.
First we have the ability to show the good side of video games, that the principal purpose is help the kids and people for have a better knowledge and a good experience that can be useful for feell better, for it a lot of people play games, for can get out the real world and live in a imaginary world that is like our ideal world.
Mr Ernest cline said: "Being human totally sucks most of the time. Videogames are the only thing that make life bearable " this mean that the life isn't good all the time, sometimes we need a rest, and let to write a large paragraph for a English blog...
In conclusion the games have a good side too, but do you know the dark side?
The video games have a bad influence in kids, because there are games like fortnite or free fire that make that the children become monsters, literally, and this make that the parents feel like stupids, because they are thinking that they are doing all wrong, but all this is not bad, only you need to be more careful with the new technology and don't let us domain for the technology's world.

Activity of august:
Objetive: have a different opinion for conclude the problem.
activity: debate
how will i do?: i will make a meeting with some classmates to talk about this problem and get a conclusion.
result: know some opinions and view points of different people.

The debate:
For this activity, I made a meetting with some of my friends that know some things about the situation of video  games. 
we talked about the problems of the use devices for play this games, and is incredible to believe that the games are a probem for society. we know that is only an entertainment, but actually the children are very crazy for it. because the games like free fire, fornite and others, make that the children and some teenagers around the world, leave their responsabilites, for play with their friends.
In conclusion, we think that we need to stop this games, and make that the children and teenagers go out and have fun with other things that are more healthy.

Activity of july:

objetive: explain this problem to the society
activity: survey
how will I do?: I will make a survey to my friends, because they often play videogames (my classmates)
result: know the opinion of people about this social problem


Video Games survey
 1. What is the more important in a video game?
     A. The graphics
     B. The history
     C. The playability
     D. The game controls
 2. What do you think about the video games?
     A. I think that the video games are good without explanation
     B.  I think that the videogames are bad without explanation
     C. I think that the video games are bad but I know the ways to avoid the danger of it
     D.  I think that the video games are good, because I love it
 3. Do you know the dangers of the video games?
     A. Yes, I know it
     B. No, I don’t know it
     C. I don’t know…
     D. No, I just play free fire
 4. Have you ever played free fire?
     A. Yes, I have
     B. No, I haven’t
     C.  I don’t know what is that
     D.  Yes, is my favorite game
 5.  What do you think if the video games disappear?
     A.  I think that the world will get better
     B.  I think that will be the same, because the games are not important to the world
     C.  I think that the world be different, without entertainment
     D. I think the life is a game


1. In the first question, definitely people prefer the history in a videogame }
2. In the second one, people think that the videogames are bad
3. In the third question, some people don´t know the dangers of video games, however, there are others that if.
4. In the fourth question, more people have played this game than the people than not
5. finally the fifth question, more people would agree that the world would be different

Activity of June:

Objetive: know the danger of the massive use of videogames
Activity: Interview
How will you do: I will interview a person that are perfect for this situation, because he know all about the video games...
Result: know the opinion of my friends, that are a important view point.


Interview of my blog:
1. What do you think about the video games?
2. Do you know the advantages and disavantages of these games?
3. Do you like to play these games, or you hate it, give me your opinion
4. Tell me the video games that you know or you have heard
5. What do you think that could happen if the video games dissapear?


Resultado de imagen para fornaiResultado de imagen para gt vResultado de imagen para minecraftResultado de imagen para clash royaleResultado de imagen para free fireResultado de imagen para roblox
4. videogames: purpose: 

The purpose of this blog is very simple, only I want explain to people the problems and consecuences of the bad use of video games. I feel that this is important for the actual society, also know how avoid these problems.

3. Video Games: Justification:

*I chose the videogames because it is very interesting, also because I love it, I love to play video games, but I know that is dangerous for my eyes, and I am using glasses right now.

2. Specific objetives: effect of the video games:

-the video games are in everywhere, in the smartphones, in the TV, in the computer. for it we can avoid it but, we need to reduce the use of this.

The effects that can produce can produce the video games are bad and good effects:

-the good effects:
*It helps to the knowledge
*Is used for help the children, that need a basic knowledge

-the bad effects:
*it's cause that the children get upset and be more irresponsible
*it's a cause for distract our attention

 General objective:

*The effect of video games in people and the kids are a seriously topic, for that I want to talk about it.
The main topic is the kids; they are good people nut the technology make them lazy. The video games, the technology, the smart devices are killing us.

Resultado de imagen para videojuegos

Before to start speaking about video games, I want to say that the principal mistake of the society is actually. We need to let the smart devices, because it is destroying us, and the video games are an essential factor of the use of these devices.
Actually in our century the companies of videogames are growing up with more technology, and this is only the beginning. I want to talk you about the present, in this word all people knows about the videogames that are very famous around the world, however this kind of entertainment is a bad influence for the children.
All right, everybody has played a game at least once, but these games are a real problem to the society, due that people could get an addiction.
In this blog, you will find the way to avoid all these problems, and the way for have a better lifestyle without video games, and with nothing more to say, good luck ;)

lunes, 15 de julio de 2019

Popular culture: video games 

Diagnostic of the problem:

Why the video games are important to the society?
Why the video games are dangerous to the society?

*The video games are important to people´s life, because it is a way to help us to learn, also because the video games were created for make fun and entertain in any moment.
- The video games are a part of the popular culture, so everybody knows about it nut this get problems to the population like:
*People become lazy for it
*The kids can't study very well
*People waste a lot of money buying video games, phones and other devices that are used to play.

The music, the movies and the comics are part of the popular culture too, and has made that the popular culture abandon it´s predominantly static nature to become a dynamic element that, sometimes, the creavity of the academic vanguards.